Realocity MVP


Realocity is a social media management system geared towards Real Estate agents. The team has been managing the social presence for Real Estate agents for years. Between phone calls and emails, they are consistently communicating with each agent to ensure that they are authentically representing them online while creating content that matches their brand.



UX Designer — Trina Tuazon
Product Manager — Drew Johnson


Most agents don’t have any social media expertise and don’t have time to manage it effectively, but want to have complete control over how they’re being represented online. While Social Content Management Systems exist today, none of them are geared towards Real Estate agent needs.

What’s next for Realocity?

Working on a product from conception to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) can be challenging. Time, money, and resources can all cause constraints, especially when working in the world of product development.

The Realocity mobile app is currently in development and if all goes well, will be available for iOS sometime in late 2022 or early 2023. Realocity aims to do a beta release to do a final round of testing before releasing the product to a wider audience. The objective is to uncover as many bugs or usability issues as possible in this controlled setting.

While I’m no longer a part of this project, the Realocity MVP is thoroughly laid out so that these designs can be picked up by any team moving forward.